Travel the world of motion capture animation Studio with GameYan

"Motion capture is just what it says: It's physically moved, while performance capture is all about performance - including your facial performance." If you do say martial arts for a video game that's motion-capture Another way to make an acting performance of recording: audio, facial and physical. "Says Andy Serkis.

Motion Capture has received in the development of 3D games, film / film production to make realistic human movements of the soul technology. Notice?? The 3D movie, Avatar, which released in 2009 at the end of December This is the best example of how one can describe using this technology. But yes, the creation of the film took a lot of time. This movie was made using optical motion capture systems.

This year and this year, the technology has progressed very much. Compared to conventional marker-based optical motion capture systems, Marker Less Motion Capture Animation Studio is more adventurous and expensive. The studio does not require chrome effects or special suites with markers, this advanced technology works on specific algorithms to track movements in real time. Now the animators and game developers can capture perfect movements in a short time.

GameYan is all about marker less motion capture animations. From capturing face motion to capturing FULL body motion and real-time motion capture animation, this animation studio has marked its footsteps in the world of 3D animation.

Mit Marker weniger Motion Animation Studio Capture hat GameYan Spezialisierung erreicht bei der Schaffung von wunderbaren 3D-Charakter-Animationen für die Entwicklung von Spielen, Filmen und Filmproduktion , Handel und Schwellen Formen interaktiver Medien mit Motion Capture-Technologie. Wir konzentrieren uns auf Feinbewegungen von Menschen und es in einen brauchbaren digitalen Format übersetzen. Mit viel von Innovationen, Forschung und Bemühungen, schaffen wir diese Illusionen und fügen Sie das Leben in ihnen. Um die Integrität der den Charakter der Leistung, angetrieben durch die reale Welt behalten, verwenden wir MoCap Daten.

Hier sind einige unserer Beispiele, die großen Einfluss in der Welt der 3D-Animationen erstellt haben.

We provided services in character modeling, rigging animation, shading lighting, rendering game development, optics, manufacturing, post production for movies, games etc.




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